"Untitled (woman in traditional dress with a white veil)", G. Lékégian, c. 1880

Gabriel Lekegian (1853–c.1920)

Photograph, 27.4 x 21.1 cm.

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Purchase through the generosity of Melvin R. Seiden.


Gabriel Lekegian (1853 – c. 1920), also known as G. Lékégian, was an Armenian painter and photographer, active in Constantinople and Cairo from the 1880s to the 1920s. Little is known about his life, but he left an important body of work under the name of his studio ‘Photographie Artistique G. Lekegian & Cie’. With a large number of now historical photographs of Ottoman Egypt, he documented the country at the turn of the 19th century.
-Harvard Art Museums


Source and download: https://harvardartmuseums.org/collections/object/101335


Head of a Damned Soul from Dante’s “Inferno,” (verso), Henry Fuseli, 1770/78


"Allegory of Life (The Dream of Raphael)", Giorgio Ghisi, 1561