"Allegory of Life (The Dream of Raphael)", Giorgio Ghisi, 1561

Giorgio Ghisi (Italian, 1520—1582)

Engraving, 37.94 x 53.98 cm. The Minneapolis Institute of Art. Bequest of Herschel V. Jones.


Among the many creatures inhabiting this dense landscape, we can spy a triton, a dragon, and a centaur. The Latin inscription near the feet of the old man is from the Aeneid: "The unhappy one sits and will sit forever." The message refers to Theseus, who was trapped in Hades for his lustful transgressions. His boat is in no condition to cross the river Styx. Yet, the woman at the right offers him hope for redemption if not release: "Do not yield to adversities, but go out and meet them bravely." In the courtly context from which this emerged, the woman has both Christian and political significance.

-The Minneapolis Institute of Art


Source and download: https://collections.artsmia.org/art/9193/allegory-of-life-giorgio-ghisi


"Untitled (woman in traditional dress with a white veil)", G. Lékégian, c. 1880


"Ghost Dance (The Vision of Life)", Ralph Albert Blakelock, 1895/97