“Tarot de Marseilles”, Claude Burdel, 1751

Claude Burdel (Swiss, 1727-1799)

Tarot cards, hand-colored woodcuts. Gift of Carl A. Weyerhaeuser.

1. The Devil
2. The Wheel of Fortune
3. The Stars
4. The Moon
5. Ace of Batons
6. The Sun


The Tarot of Marseilles is a standard pattern of Italian-suited tarot pack with 78 cards that was very popular in France in the 17th and 18th centuries for playing tarot card games and is still produced today. It was probably created in Milan before spreading to much of France, Switzerland and Northern Italy. It is a pattern from which many subsequent tarot packs derive. The name is sometimes spelt Tarot of Marseille, but the name recommended by the International Playing-Card Society is Tarot de Marseille, although it accepts the two English names as alternatives. It was the pack on which the occult use of tarot cards was originally based, although today bespoke cards are produced for this purpose.

Due to its continuing popularity, there have been numerous facsimiles, restorations, and recreations of the Tarot of Marseilles.


Source and download: https://collections.artsmia.org/search/artist:%22Claude%20Burdel%22


“Gevecht tussen engelen en monsters” (Fight between angels and monsters), jonkheer Isaac Lambertus Cremer van den Berch van Heemstede, 1829


“Flowers in a Glass”, Ambrosius Bosschaert, 1606