“Gevecht tussen engelen en monsters” (Fight between angels and monsters), jonkheer Isaac Lambertus Cremer van den Berch van Heemstede, 1829
Etching, 22,2 × 27,2 cm.
On the left, an angel holds the mouth of a monster. In the middle, a human figure with bare torso. In his outstretched arms, a snake. In the middle, a head of a wolf or monster with its mouth wide open. The image is printed with white ink on a black surface.
-Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Source and download: https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/search/objects?q=Gevecht+tussen+engelen+en+monsters&p=1&ps=12&st=Objects&ii=0#/RP-P-BI-872,0