"The Last Judgment and the Seven Deadly Sins", Jacob Isaacsz. van Swanenburg, 1600 - 1638

Jacob Isaacsz. van Swanenburg, (1571-1638)

Oil on panel, h 28cm × w 88cm × d 5.3cm.


The Last Judgment and the Seven Deadly Sins. The hell in which the naked damned swarm out in groups over land and water. On the right, a large hell mouth in which the deadly sins are represented by figures. Devils and monsters fly everywhere. On the left, some large buildings and flames.
-Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


Source and download: https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/collection/SK-A-730


"The Angel Michael Binding Satan", William Blake, c. 1805


“Large Tree with Couple Seated Beneath”, Paul Sandby, c. 1782-1784