“The Apocalypse of Saint John”, Odilon Redon, 1899

Lithographs, France. Printed by Blanchard, published by Ambroise Vollard (French, 1867-1939). The Cleveland Museum of Art, gift of Ralph King.

The last of Odilon Redon’s 11 lithographic portfolios, this series relates to the Book of Revelation from the Christian Bible. The subject had been explored throughout art history, allowing the artist to align himself with past masters, such as Albrecht Dürer. Although Redon often vaguely referenced texts, these prints directly illustrate 12 individual passages, including one about a woman clothed with the sun and another focused on a great star falling from heaven. By the time he created this portfolio, Redon’s reputation was well established. The project was published by art dealer Ambroise Vollard, who began to sell and promote Redon’s work about a year earlier, building a market for his prints in Paris and abroad.
-The Cleveland Museum of Art

1. The Apocalypse of Saint John: And He Had in His Right Hand Seven Stars; and Out of His Mouth Went a Sharp Two-Edged Sword.

Source and download: https://www.clevelandart.org/art/1926.140.8


2. The Apocalypse of Saint John: And His Name That Sat on Him Was Death.

Source and download: https://www.clevelandart.org/art/1926.140.3


3. The Apocalypse of Saint John: And Bound Him a Thousand Years.

Source and download: https://www.clevelandart.org/art/1926.140.11


4. The Apocalypse of Saint John: And I Saw an Angel Coming Down from Heaven, Having the Key of the Bottomless Pit and a Great Chain in His Hand.

Source and download: https://www.clevelandart.org/art/1926.140.9


5. The Apocalypse of Saint John: A Woman Clothed with the Sun.

Source and download: https://www.clevelandart.org/art/1926.140.6


“Flowers in a Glass”, Ambrosius Bosschaert, 1606


Series: “Perseus Beheading Medusa”, André Racz, 1944