Relief with Arion on the dolphin, Hubert Quellinus, 1719-1783

Hubert Quellinus (Dutch, 1719-1783)

Relief with Arion on the dolphin above the door to the Insurance Room in the City Hall on Dam Square in Amsterdam, after a sculpture by Artus Quellinus (I), 1719-1783.

Etching, 20.5 × 29.2 cm. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, gift of M. Onnes van Nijenrode.


Arion was a kitharode in ancient Greece, a Dionysiac poet credited with inventing the dithyramb. The islanders of Lesbos claimed him as their native son, but Arion found a patron in Periander, tyrant of Corinth. Although notable for his musical inventions, Arion is chiefly remembered for the fantastic myth of his kidnapping by pirates and miraculous rescue by dolphins, a folktale motif.
- Wikipedia


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"The Circle of the Thieves; Agnolo Brunelleschi Attacked by a Six-Footed Serpent. Inferno, canto XXV" , William Blake, 1827, printed c. 1892


Series: “The Proverbs”, Francisco Goya, 1864