“Queen Mab’s Cave”, imitator of Joseph Mallord William Turner, after 1846

Imitator of Joseph Mallord William Turner (British, 1775-1851)

Oil on fabric, 73 x 89,5 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, gift of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wade 1916.


This work is a reduced copy of a painting first exhibited by Turner at the British Institution in 1846 that passed, with the rest of his immense bequest to the nation, into the collections of the National Gallery and finally, in 1954, the Tate Gallery. Several lines from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and Turner's manuscript poem "Fallacies of Hope" were appended to the title in the British Institution catalogue, but they did little to explicate the nearly unintelligible concoction of fairies and Welsh ruins that make up this composition. Copies of Queen Mab's Cave by anonymous artists are abundant.
-The Cleveland Museum of Art


Source and download: https://www.clevelandart.org/art/1916.1036


“The Temptation of St Anthony”, Jheronimus Bosch (manner of), c. 1550 - c. 1600


“Heks” (The Sorceress), Jan van de Velde (II), 1626